INEM Tech Core

At INEM, technical platforms enhance research efficiency and cost-effectiveness, providing access to instruments and expertise beyond individual labs' means. Skilled personnel assist researchers, offering insights into instrument capabilities and developing new applications. The technical platforms also provide access to specific instruments with expert references, ensuring optimal use.
Radioactivity facility
Recombinant proteins facility
Experimental platform In Vivo for autoimmune and metabolic diseases
This platform provides project-based services to researchers working on autoimmune and metabolic diseases. Researchers interested in using the platform can contact Emmanuelle Waeckel-Enée directly.
In order to ensure efficient management of requests and meet specific criteria, researchers will have to complete a detailed form. This will collect information on the project, including technical, logistical and feasibility aspects, as well as details on current projects and associated deadlines.
- Engineer : Emmanuelle Waeckel Enée
- Scientific referent : Elise Dalmas
Service request
Please complete the online form.
Services offered
In vivo phenotyping of preclinical models of autoimmune and metabolic diseases
- Monitoring of Type 1 (NOD) and Type 2 (diet-induced obese) diabetic mice (glycemia, glucose tolerance test…)
- Induction and scoring of mouse experimental autoimmune encephaomyelitis (EAE)
- Adoptive transfer cell models and injections (ip, iv, im, subcutaneous, intrathecal…)Isolation of specific tissues and cell types
- Tissue sampling (brain, spinal cord, bone marrow, lymph nodes, mammary glands, blood...)
- Isolation of pancreatic islets
- Tissue digestion and cell sortingFollow-up of ex vivo/tissue analyses
- Cell Culture
- Molecular biology
- Immunohistochemistry and imaging
- Confocal microscopy, spinning disk
- Flow cytometry
SFR Necker - Necker Federative Research Structure
The SFR Necker plays a pivotal role in the development and coordination of technical platforms tailored to the technological requirements of projects on the Necker campus. With a primary focus on optimizing financial, technological, and human resources, SFR Necker aims to create an optimal environment for cutting-edge fundamental and clinical research, collaborations and enhanced visibility.
SFR Necker coordinates 15 technical platforms covering areas such as proteomics, cell imaging, flow cytometry, bioinformatics, among others, offering a diverse range of services. These technical platforms are open to the entire scientific community of the Imagine Institute, the Necker Enfants Malades Institute, as well as the broader regional academic and private scientific community.
For more details about this initiative, please visit the SFR Necker website.