Discover our research teams

At INEM, our researchers are dedicated to unraveling the mechanisms of diseases and innovating therapeutic approaches. Our teams conduct cutting-edge research in diverse areas of biomedical science, fostering collaborations within the institute and with national and international partners.
- Auto-immune and B cells Immune Responses – AI2BMatthieu MAHEVAS
- Host-Pathogen Integrative BiologyMathieu COUREUIL & Anne JAMET
- Cell Growth Control by NutrientsMario PENDE
- Epigenetics and DevelopmentMarco PONTOGLIO
- Genome Plasticity and InfectionsLaurence ARBIBE
- Host-Microbiota InteractionPamela SCHNUPF
- Immune Response and Danger SignalsBénédicte MANOURY
- IMMEDIAB – Immunity and Metabolism of DiabetesNicolas VENTECLEF
- Immunity in Health and DiseaseSimon FILLATREAU
- Integrative NeurobiologyFranck OURY
- Leukomotion LabPablo VARGAS
- Mechanisms and Therapeutics of Chronic Kidney DiseaseFabiola TERZI
- Mechanisms of Nutrient SensingGanna PANASYUK
- MEMBRAMICS – Cellular & Membrane Dynamics in Stress ResponseEtienne MOREL
- Muscle Stem Cells-Niche InteractionsPhilippos MOURIKIS
- Normal and Pathological Lymphoid DifferentiationVahid ASNAFI & Elizabeth MACINTYRE
- Prolactin and Growth Hormone PathophysiologyVincent GOFFIN
- Protein Misfolding in Respiratory Epithelial DiseasesIsabelle SERMET-GAUDELUS
- StemNest Lab – Stem Cell Niche in Development and DiseaseMeryem BAGHDADI
- Translational Medicine and Targeted TherapiesGuillaume CANAUD