Ganna Panasyuk holds a PD. in Molecular Biology, which she obtained from the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv in 2006. During her graduate studies, she focused on the major growth regulator mTOR/PI3K/S6K signaling in the lab of Pr Valeriy Filonenko at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Kyiv, Ukraine. Her interest in the interplay between metabolism and signal transduction was sparked during her graduate training and multiple collaborative visits to the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in London, UK.
Following her graduate studies, she pursued postdoctoral research in the lab of Pr Ivan Gout at University College London in the UK. During this time, she discovered a novel splice form of mTOR kinase and demonstrated its significance in cell proliferation.
In 2009, she joined the lab of Mario Pende at INSERM in France. This postdoctoral experience shaped her scientific focus on the mechanisms of metabolic control in physiology and their implications in human disease. In 2013, she secured a prestigious INSERM tenure position through a highly competitive international recruitment process to establish a research program at the Institut Necker Enfants Malades in Paris.
Dr. Panasyuk was promoted to the Director of Research (DR2) level at INSERM in 2019. She also holds a habilitation degree (HDR) from the University Paris Descartes since 2015 and is actively involved in scientific mentoring programs at INEM and various French universities.