Marco Pontoglio graduated from the University of Milan, Italy, and subsequently pursued postdoctoral training at Pasteur Institute in France under the guidance of Professor Moshe Yaniv in 1991. His research focus encompassed the control of gene expression and the characterization of pioneering tissue-specific transcription factors. In 1997, he commenced his career as a researcher with a permanent position in CNRS, later progressing to become team leader in 2002. In 2008, he relocated his research group to Cochin Institute in Paris, ultimately becoming part of the INEM Institute on the Necker Campus in 2019.
His group's scientific endeavors primarily revolve around exploring the roles played by transcription factors HNF1alpha and HNF1beta in governing gene expression and morphogenesis control during development. In recent years, his research has revealed that HNF1beta regulates the expression of multiple genes associated with renal cystic diseases, notably contributing to polycystic kidney disease.
Furthermore, the team has unveiled an intriguing facet of gene expression control, highlighting HNF1beta's role as a bookmarking factor involved in gene expression reprogramming following the mitotic gene silencing phase.