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Exciting New Additions to INEM: Welcoming Meryem Baghdadi and Philippos Mourikis

We are thrilled to announce that two esteemed researchers will be joining the Institut Necker Enfants Malades as Team Leaders in January 2025.

Dr. Meryem Baghdadi

Dr. Meryem Baghdadi's research focuses on the intricate dynamics of stem cell niche regulation in homeostasis and cancer. She investigates how stem cells integrate signals from their microenvironment to coordinate cell fate decisions and how these processes are dysregulated in disease. Utilizing cutting-edge techniques such as organoids and microfluidic systems, Dr. Baghdadi aims to advance our understanding of stem cell behavior and its implications in various diseases.

Dr. Baghdadi's exceptional work has been recognized with several prestigious awards, including the 2024 ATIP-Avenir grant, the 2024 Société de Biologie Cellulaire de France Prix Jeune Chercheur award, and the 2022 France Rising Talent award from Fondation L’Oréal-UNESCO/For Women In Science. We are excited about the innovative research she will bring to INEM.

Dr. Philippos Mourikis

Dr. Philippos Mourikis’s research delves into the interaction of muscle stem cells with their niche, with a special focus on the quiescence niche and Notch signalling. His group combines mouse genetics with high throughput approaches to dissect the signalling crosstalk during the establishment, maintenance, and activation of quiescent cells. His significant contributions include the insight that muscle stem cells (MuSCs) are architects of their own niche, with Notch signalling being a driving force in forming a dynamic extracellular matrix.

Dr. Mourikis has developed specialized protocols for isolating true quiescent cells and has identified a novel state of early activation, pushing the boundaries of our understanding in this field. We eagerly anticipate the new insights and advancements he will bring to INEM.

Looking Forward

We are delighted to have Dr. Baghdadi and Dr. Mourikis join our team. Their expertise and innovative research will significantly contribute to INEM’s mission and research efforts. Please join us in welcoming them and looking forward to their remarkable contributions!