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Panasyuk Lab Secures ANR-PRCI Grant for Collaborative Research on Metabolic Adaptation

We are pleased to announce that the Mechanisms of Nutrient Sensing lab, headed by Ganna Panasyuk, has been awarded the ANR-PRCI 2024 grant, a collaborative project co-funded by ANR (French National Research Agency) and DFG (German Research Foundation).

The CoMeT consortium brings together the expertise of the Panasyuk lab in nutrient signalling and transcriptional regulation, Dominik Lutter’s lab (Helmholtz Munich) specializing in computational analysis, and Florian Büttner’s lab (Goethe University Frankfurt and German Cancer Consortium) known for its innovation in machine learning and data integration.

This multidisciplinary team will develop advanced computational tools to explore how nuclear nutrient signalling regulates gene expression during metabolic challenges. The project aims to deepen our understanding of metabolic adaptation in health and disease, paving the way for future breakthroughs in the field.

We extend our congratulations to Ganna Panasyuk, Dominik Lutter, Florian Büttner, and all the partners involved in this exciting project.