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Laurence ARBIBE
Genome plasticity and infections - Responsable d'équipe
Directeur·trice de recherche


After completing a residency in Intensive Care and Anesthesiology, Laurence Arbibe earned a PhD in the biochemistry of phospholipase A2 under the guidance of L. Touqui at Institut Pasteur. She continued her academic pursuits with a postdoctoral research position in immunology at the Scripps Research Institute in the lab of R. Ulevitch.

Laurence secured an academic position at INSERM, working in P. Sansonetti's Lab at Institut Pasteur. Her career has been dedicated to research, with a primary focus on understanding signal transduction pathways that drive the innate immune response.
One of Laurence's pioneering contributions was the revelation that a bacterial effector could target epigenetic information carried by the host's promoter chromatin. This discovery allowed bacteria to exert control over a select number of immune genes, a groundbreaking finding reported in "Arbibe et al, Nature Immunol 2007."
Laurence's group has leveraged bacterial proteins as tools to uncover new mechanisms governing the regulation of the immune epigenome. This has led to significant expertise in the field of chromatin regulation of gene expression within the innate immune system.
Currently, her research is centered on unraveling the mechanisms by which bacterial stress, whether from commensal or pathogenic bacteria, can influence chromatin information and, in turn, disrupt the epigenome and genome in the gut. Laurence Arbibe's work delves into the intricate interplay between bacterial factors and host responses, shedding light on how these interactions impact the epigenetic landscape in the gut.