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Fawaz Alzaid is a co-group leader (with Camille Blériot) in the Immunity and Metabolism of Diabetes (IMMEDIAB) team headed by Nicolas Venteclef. Fawaz investigates metabolism at multiple scales and the transcriptional regulation of innate immunity in diabetes, its complications and comorbidities. His highlights include publications in Nature Medicine, Nature Communications and EMBO Molecular Medicine deciphering mechanisms of tissue inflammation in diabetes and response to infection.

Fawaz was awarded his BSc and MSc degrees from the University of Westminster, London, and his PhD from King's College London in 2012. He carried out postdoctoral training at the University of Westminster and at the Cordeliers Research Centre (CRC), Paris. He was recruited as an INSERM researcher in 2017 at the CRC, and was awarded an HDR in Life Sciences from Sorbonne Université in 2021.

Fawaz Alzaid moved to Institut Necker in 2022 with the IMMEDIAB team. His notable grants include an EFSD, ANR Young Researcher, and ANR PRCI awards.