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Team Leader position in Immunology

Institut Necker Enfants Malades (INEM) invites applications for a Team Leader position in Immunology. Applicants working in any field of immunological research will be considered. We are particularly interested in colleagues investigating how immune cells interact with tissue resident cells within various organs in health and disease using imaging technologies and associated computational tools, with inclusion of immuno-metabolism, human immunology, or systems immunology approaches

Selection Criteria

  • Excellence and a scientific track record demonstrating upward potential
  • Commitment to promoting equal opportunities, strongly encouraging applications from female candidates
  • Open to both early career scientists and established principal investigators

About INEM

INEM is a world-class biomedical research institute affiliated with Université Paris Cité, CNRS, and INSERM. Located in Paris, a city renowned for its vibrant cultural scene, INEM hosts an international staff of around 300 people from over 20 countries, working across 20 research teams and administrative support services.

Our teams collaboratively address multiple facets of fundamental science and translational approaches, promoting a holistic understanding of human pathophysiology. Our research spans inflammation, immunity, haemato-oncology, growth, and metabolism, focusing on multiple organ and inter-organ hormonal communications. Close ties with the clinical departments of Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades on the joint Necker campus are fundamental to achieving our goals.

The Position

  • Over 100m² of lab space, a cell culture room, and offices
  • Competitive start-up package
  • Access to on-site state-of-the-art core facilities - SFR Necker
  • Assistance for obtaining a tenured position and attracting competitive European funding
  • Opportunities to establish collaborations within the Necker campus, Université Paris Cité, and the broader Paris area

How to apply

Candidates must have a PhD or MD/PhD.

Applicants should submit a single PDF file including:

  1. A 2-page Curriculum Vitae with a list of selected publications
  2. A summary of research accomplishments and future projects (4-page max)
  3. A motivation statement for joining INEM (1-page max)
  4. Contact information for three referees

Application Deadline: August, 31st, 2024

Submit applications to: @email

Shortlisted applicants will be informed by October 1, 2024, and invited for an on-site audition on November 19, 2024. Interviews and a final evaluation, including by INEM's international scientific advisory board, will take place. Final selection is expected in December 2024, with installation starting from January 2025 onwards.