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New Publication in Nature Metabolism - Tighanimine et al.

A homoeostatic switch causing glycerol-3-phosphate and phosphoethanolamine accumulation triggers senescence by rewiring lipid metabolism
Cellular senescence plays a crucial role in various physiological and pathological processes, marked by persistent cell cycle arrest, an inflammatory secretory phenotype, and metabolic reprogramming. Recent publication by Khaled Tighanimine et al. unveils how a homeostatic switch involving glycerol-3-phosphate and phosphoethanolamine accumulation can trigger cellular senescence by altering lipid metabolism, offering new insights into cellular aging.

Key Highlights of the study:

  • Dynamic profiling in human fibroblasts reveals a crucial link between lipid metabolism and the senescence gene expression program.
  • Mechanisms include p53-dependent glycerol kinase activation and innovative insights into lipid droplet biogenesis.
  • Potential for new therapeutic approaches targeting cellular senescence and aging-related diseases.

Special thanks to European Research Council, RHU COSY, INSERM (AGEMED Program), Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer, Institut national du cancer, and ANR, the French National Research Agency for their support. Together, we're advancing the frontiers of science!