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Shen P, Roch T, Lampropoulou V, O'Connor RA, Stervbo U, Hilgenberg E, Ries S, Dang VD, Jaimes Y, Daridon C, Li R, Jouneau L, Boudinot P, Wilantri S, Sakwa I, Miyazaki Y, Leech MD, McPherson RC, Wirtz S, Neurath M, Hoehlig K, Meinl E, Grützkau A, Grün JR, Horn K, Kühl AA, Dörner T, Bar-Or A, Kaufmann SHE, Anderton SM, Fillatreau S. IL-35-producing B cells are critical regulators of immunity during autoimmune and infectious diseases. Nature. 2014; Mar 20;507(7492):366-370. doi: 10.1038/nature12979. PMID: 24572363; PMCID: PMC4260166.
Schnupf P, Gaboriau-Routhiau V, Cerf-Bensussan N. Host-interactions with Segmented Filamentous Bacterium: An unusual trade-off that drives the post-natal maturation of the gut immune system. Semin Immunol. 2013; Nov 30;25(5):342-51. doi: 10.1016/j.smim.2013.09.001. PMID: 24184014.
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